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Fixed Foam Equipment

Fixed Inline Inductor

AAAG Fixed Inline Foam Inductors provide a simple and accurate means of inducting foam concentrate into the water supply.  These inductors are calibrated to mix foam concentrate at a preset rate of 3% or 6%  in fixed foam systems.


AAAG S285-65.pdf AAAG S285-80.pdf AAAG S285-100.pdf AAAG S285-150.pdf AAAG SM285-65.pdf AAAG SM285-80.pdf AAAG SM285-100.pdf AAAG SM285-150.pdf


Inlet / Outlet

Flow @ 7 Bar

AAAG S285/65

 65 NB

200 – 500 LPM

AAAG S285/80

80 NB

400 – 900 LPM

AAAG S285/100

100 NB

800 – 1800 LPM

AAAG S285/150

150 NB

1600 – 2700 LPM

Operating Pressure:  5 to 12 Bar

Material                                       Mild Steel, Hot Dip Galvanised

Foam  Induction : 3% or 6%

Flange  Connection                      ANSI B 16.5 150 LBS

Finish                        Red / Yellow Polyurethane Paint